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Monday, September 27, 2010

Very hi-key plein-air study!

Really not sure why I can't seem to get up and going in the mornings when the weather starts to get cooler!  The sun is a little later now, and moving into the southern sky---the fall light is clear, bright and beautiful!   From 9 am until about 10:30, I struggled with this chimesa study.  I had made a surface last night, on w/c paper with gesso and some nice fine but gritty pumice---not the dust or powder, but fine grit pumice.  Its very nice, but gritty--so I did plan I would use watercolor for an underpainting on this white surface.  This is 9 x 12, a good hour and half size for study.   My brush, like my trees and my flowers, leave a lot to desire!!!  I must get better at this, I say, but only unless I work at it will that happen!  Its not so much the detail of these things I always want---but the feeling of them, and you know that's what it is.  The sun was in the east, of course, and we receive it strongly as we are on the hillside facing the sun, the eastern side of the Carson Range of the Sierra's.   I will show you my Hi-key painting---but keep in mind the value's will be close because of its Hi-key----so the sun was high and going toward noon----and shadows were getting short.   Interesting, I must say----Fun, but hard, --still learning the light is a good thing.
                     I should be trying evening works, it would be so different in the lighting!  So, until Tomorrow!

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